Use "republican|republicans" in a sentence

1. I was a Young Republican, a Teenage Republican, a leader in the Teenage Republicans.

2. They said Democrats should be allowed to nominate the Democrat of their choosing, and Republicans, the Republican candidate of theirs.

3. Bankrupting the Republican Party - Since the election of Reagan, Republicans have damaged America more in 40 years than our worst enemies.

4. Republican Chickenshits can go on forever, because YOU ARE Chickenshits! Republican Senators’ Cowardly Reaction to Trump ‘Peaceful … › news-politics › politics › republica… Hillary Clinton: Most Republicans are “cowards” on Trump … › Politics & Policy › Donald Trump

5. North Carolina Republicans Censure Senator Richard Burr over vote to convict Trump Burr is the latest Republican to face disapproval from their home state party for

6. RNC Chair McDaniel: Women's History Month – Republicans' long history of Championing women's rights, causes I am proud that the Republican Party has always championed the causes of women

7. And the Arizona Republican Party Censured Republican Gov

8. Georgia Republicans File Sweeping Elections Bill To Limit Early And Absentee Voting Republican lawmakers vowed to make changes in response to false claims of election fraud in 2020, when Democrats

9. * Reagan tried to run against Gerald Ford in 1976 for the Republican nomination for president, but in the end the Republicans thought Ford's Bumblingness was the best anecdote to Carter's goofiness

10. * Reagan tried to run against Gerald Ford in 1976 for the Republican nomination for president, but in the end the Republicans thought Ford’s Bumblingness was the best anecdote to Carter’s goofiness.

11. Republicans Should be Cheerfully Optimistic

12. Not the Republicans, the Democrats.

13. Republicans should be Cheerfully optimistic

14. The Republicans are not stupid.

15. Call them the Collaborationist Republicans

16. [ chuckling ] Plenty of Republicans, too.

17. 8 The Republicans were soundly defeated.

18. Republicans are eager to conclude negotiations.

19. Eighteen Republicans voted to oppose it.

20. The Republicans will get in line.

21. Republicans deplore his Old Democrat instincts.

22. The People's Commissariats of a Union Republic are either Union-Republican or Republican Commissariats

23. Republicans warned against returning to isolationism.

24. Last fall, Republicans offered an incoherent critique.

25. Republicans deny that Gingrich violated the agreement.

26. Chairwoman, Republican National Committee

27. Republicans linked Lincoln's name to their party.

28. We're being held hostage by the Republicans.

29. Republicans have been howling for military intervention.

30. In this office, we're mostly Republicans, so...

31. The Republicans Spend $1 Billion For -- Bupkis

32. Tanden Apologized for past insults to Republicans

33. Fellow Republicans rallied to the President's defense.

34. US election 2012 : Key Republicans sit out debate

35. Both agencies are targeted for abolition by Republicans.

36. Whitford: …to have Republican majorities (“Cracking”)

37. There were no Republicans to speak of then.

38. Republicans are more punctual, make lists, dress better.

39. Poor blacks dislike the Republican attack on welfare; rich blacks resent the Republican criticism of affirmative action.

40. Letter: Republicans chose self-interest in Acquitting Trump

41. Trump's changing position caused consternation among Senate Republicans.

42. Republicans see this as a win-win tactic.

43. Republicans have greeted that explanation with deep skepticism.

44. At heart he is a republican.

45. He addressed the annual Republican convention.

46. The area is a Republican stronghold.

47. Republican primary voters are overwhelmingly white.

48. She has frequently expressed Republican sympathies.

49. Bob Dole, the likely Republican nominee.

50. The Republican alternative is equally fatuous.

51. We have to appeal to the Republicans as well.

52. The Republicans held a slim majority in the Senate.

53. Republicans accused the Democrats of launching a smear campaign.

54. Conservative groups rally behind House Republicans on the shutdown.

55. Pelosi: Republicans who voted ‘not guilty’ are Cowards

56. The Republicans will just use it as leverage.

57. Republicans in Strabane are bewildered by the case.

58. The Republicans have wanted entitlement reform since Johnson.

59. The incident was condemned by numerous prominent Republicans.

60. • Back in the other Washington, Republicans Bellowed for his

61. Republicans on Biden’s Covid bill: We Bungled this one

62. Republicans controlled more than two-thirds of the Senate.

63. The Republicans won the election by a slender majority.

64. 22 There were no Republicans to speak of then.

65. Leading Illinois Democrats Criticized Downstate Republican U.S

66. 16 Steve Horn,( the Republican incumbent.

67. This newspaper is just a Republican mouthpiece.

68. Democrats and Republicans support child Allowances for different reasons

69. And if they don't, the Republicans in Congress will.

70. Clinton carried his campaign into Republican areas.

71. South Carolina's Republican Party formally Censured Rep

72. Democratic Governor Cowers After Republican CHALLENGES Him

73. Republican AGs take Blowtorch to Biden agenda

74. WASHINGTON ― The House’s top Republican Appropriator, Rep

75. Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers Pr

76. Some families have been republican for generations.

77. The Louisiana Republican Party Censured Senator Bill …

78. An example of Conversely used as an adverb is in the sentence, "He usually votes Republican, but she Conversely tends to vote for Democrats," which means that he usually votes for Republicans, but, on the other hand, she votes for Democrats.

79. The chamber, now led by Democrats after six years of Republican control, can now Confirm Cabinet nominations without Republican support

80. Twelve members were absent, 7 Republicans and 5 Democrats.